We are a team of about 20 engineers and designers who have the experience and skills to turn your vision into a market-ready product. Yukai can handle all your needs in-house, from product design to circuit and mechanical designing to software development.
We support your project from A to Z, beginning with the concept development of your new product. A drawing on a napkin can get us started.
Keeping tabs on parking space usage
IoT ceiling lights for families with children
A smart-driving tool
Natural interface for a calm, relaxing space
2021 National Elementary School Programming Tournament "01 Grand Slam" Competition Robot
A user interface to feel sound with the body
The dialogue robot in the “interactive coimagination method” for dementia prevention
The moderator robot utilizing “Coimagination method” for dementia prevention
La Bit-kun the Robot Introduces Kids’ Ideas!
Real-time Voice Conversion Megaphone Using Cutting-edge AI Technology
Bath Robot for Your Health Management
Sensor That Visually Indicates the Stress on the Scalp
Enjoy the One bite !
Humanoid User Interface
AI x Robot Research
Your Shoes Will Rock. Literally.
Taking vital signs to gauge your mental state
Next-generation toy kitchen set
Hug it to send your love
Visual aid for interpreting tones of conversations over the phone
Reaping the (extra) rewards of hugging
The future moves on your palm
Karakuri robots that play music
Turn your regular walk into an adventure
Turn your regular walk into an adventure
next-generation rice cooker
A workshop which utilized konashi
A Fuji Xerox Fourth-Dimensional Pocket Project
A detection log that connects to emotions
The world’s first “EYEoT” (Eye of Things) device
A remote-controlled magic wand compatible with Pepper
Connecting Working Parents and Babies
An interactive hook that connects physical products to a digital display
An interactive hanger that connects physical products to a digital display
An AR robot that will warn you of ghosts hiding in iPhones and robots
If you have any troubles with IoT system development or robot use/development,
please leave it to Yukai Engineering