Comi Kuma

Hug it to send your love

Comi Kuma is a pair of stuffed animals that people can use to exchange their messages of love. Each Comi Kuma comes with a little display surface placed in the center of its bow tie. When user A touches, kisses or hugs a Comi Kuma as an expression of his/her feelings toward user B, an icon symbolizing user A’s gesture will be displayed on user B’s Comi Kuma. When user B touches his/her Comi Kuma to return a gesture, an icon symbolizing the gesture will be displayed on user A’s Comi Kuma. Users can touch Comi Kuma in many different ways to express themselves, including shaking Comi Kuma’s hand and stroking its head. This is made possible by 12 sensors imbedded inside Comi Kuma. Comi Kuma has no buttons to push and does not require any typing to send a message. The intuitive communications via Comi Kuma help foster a sense of bond between users.



Comi Kuma was developed from an idea proposed in KDDI au Unlimited Future Laboratory 2015 hackathon with the theme of “Be Playable.” Yukai Engineering helped create the concept model.

Comi Kuma (au Unlimited Future Laboratory)
Prototype development report


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